Helen Mirren,Tom Bell,John Benfield主演的zhuyaoxianyifan1:zhimingdaijia,来自于UK,英国English,英语,《主要嫌疑犯1:致命代价》上映于1991。  D.C.I. Jane Tennison is a skilled, top-class detective, battling to prove herself in a male world. While investigating a murder, her strength of character and skills as a detective are put to the test as she exposes a cover-up within the force. And when a second murder victim is discovered, the inquiry turns into a grisly investigation stretching back over ten years.



电影网网友说: 第345集 与黑衣组织直面对决--满月之夜的双重迷案 主线情节:笼罩在柯南和灰原身边的黑暗之光终于开始发出了最终的闪耀.小五郎和柯南同时收到了vermouth发来的邀请,邀请他们去参加一个满月之夜的化妆派对.重要的是,寄给柯南的邀...

下列说法错误的是: - 上学吧找答案 - 上学吧普法考试

优度网网友说: 全职猎人 日本漫画大师 富坚义博 继《幽幽白书》后的又一部超重量级力作,一部正统的冒险故事.所谓“猎人”即是探寻重要文化遗产及稀少的动植物并加以保护,还有抓出重大嫌疑犯的人.他们因工作的关系经常需要支持世界各地的猎人,...

求英语试题答案:1. The suspect's fingerprints on the gun were the main - -- - against him.

西瓜影音网友说: 应该是填 证据 可以用evidence proof testimony 任你挑任你选~那个嫌疑犯的指纹在枪上,这是怀疑他的主要(证据)


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